Senior Day Centers
Adult Day Centers:
Adult day centers are a great nonresidential place for seniors to attend for support with care, nutrition, medical and social needs. In day centers, physical and occupational therapy are available as well. Seniors can engage in multiple community activities such as crafts, walking, gardening, or any activity that they are passionate about. Seniors usually visit day centers three times a week from morning to evening. Since day centers are staffed with medical professionals and general physicians to attend to every senior’s medical needs, day centers are good for seniors who need supervision and medical care. Insurance completely covers the medical aspect of day centers, so seniors who decide on using day center facilities will not have their hospital expenses covered by the same insurance. When choosing day centers for dementia patients it is important to look for a few key aspects such as, the distance the person dealing with dementia has to travel to get to the day center, whether or not there is transportation available from the senior’s home to the day center, whether or not the type of medical care provided is adequate for the person dealing with dementia, and the supervision available for the dementia patient. Every situation is different, its not one size fits all.Based on your observations of a loved one (or yourself) choose a day center which will best fit your needs.
Below is a list of commonly sought senior day centers:​
*There are many senior day centers in the bay area that help people dealing with dementia. Some of them are listed below.
Address: 3803 E Bayshore Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94303
Phone: (650) 964 1964
Address: Cubberley Community Center 4000 Middlefield Rd, #I-2 Palo Alto, CA 94303
Phone: 650-289-5400
Address #1: 20920 McClellan Road Cupertino, CA – 95014
Phone: (408) 973-0905
Address #2: 651 W. Sixth St, Suite 2 Gilroy, CA – 95020
Phone: (408) 847-5491
Address #3: 111 Church Street Los Gatos, CA – 95030
Phone: (408) 354-4782
Address #4: 1147 Minnesota Ave San Jose, CA – 95125
Phone: (408) 971-9363
Blocks Adults Residential
Address: 144 N 5th St, San Jose, CA 95112
Phone: (408) 947-9211
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